Your adventure in the Caribbean awaits

You've caught the travel bug and want to explore South America in a very special way? Then volunteering in Colombia is just right for you! Discover land and people from a completely different perspective, improve your language skills, and at the same time make a valuable contribution to local social programs. Let yourself be captivated by Colombia's charm with Latin American music, dance, and exceptional zest for life. WanderWorld Travel supports you in selecting and organizing your volunteer work in Colombia, where you can support children or make a valuable contribution against climate change. A diverse country that will inspire you with its vibrant culture and way of life. Unlike traditional work and travel, with your volunteer work in Colombia, you have the chance to truly make a difference.

By the way: If you prefer to participate in a Work and Travel program in Colombia instead of volunteering, then check out our programs for Work and Travel in Colombia.

Quick Facts

Our volunteer projects in Colombia

Children's aid projects

Colombia is a country affected by poverty and social inequality. Many children live in precarious conditions, without access to adequate education and educational leisure activities. Access to education is crucial for long-term development. Our social projects play their part in driving this development forward and improving the future.

Children's aid projects in Colombia

The Teaching Project involves volunteering at a school in Cartagena. The local organization aims to promote education, culture, and health among children and teenagers. With your support, you have the unique opportunity to help where it is truly needed: Many Colombian children come from poor backgrounds and do not always have access to education. Your work in the Teaching Project provides these children with a safe haven and creates a promising future for them.

The Youth Development Project on Tierra Bomba Island focuses on the poorest population of this island. Through various academic and educational activities, young people can expand their skills and gain positive prospects for the future. The project emphasizes workshops as a complement to formal education, aimed at assisting children and teenagers in their development. These workshops include activities such as art projects, English lessons, and courses promoting women's empowerment. Additionally, every week there are surfing lessons that promise lots of fun for both volunteers and children.

To prevent children and adolescents from going astray, social projects in Colombia are incredibly important. Together with like-minded individuals, you ensure in the Child Care Project in Barranquilla that the youngest take their destiny into their own hands. In addition to supporting teachers and students in study groups, you can also organize activities outside the classroom that contribute to their overall development.

Nature and environmental protection projects

Nature conservation projects help preserve biodiversity by protecting endangered species, conserving habitats, and creating ecological corridors to facilitate animal migration. Preserving natural ecosystems also plays a crucial role in combating climate change. Therefore, it is especially important to actively support these projects.

Nature & environmental protection in Colombia

Deforestation for agricultural purposes has destroyed large parts of the rainforest in Colombia. However, thanks to passionate projects advocating for conservation, there is still hope. One such project is the Rainforest Reserve near Santa Marta. Biologists, environmental experts, and local staff are committed to reforesting the mountainous forest region, aiming to protect local wildlife from extinction.

Volunteering in Colombia

with wanderworld travel


Colombia is huge, and while traveling through the country, you can experience real diversity: from dreamy beaches to rainforests, mountain landscapes, coffee plantations, and bustling cities – Colombia has it all. Colombia offers a cool mix of modern metropolises and unique nature. Particularly, the culture and the people make Colombia unique, as there is always much laughter, celebration, and dancing. The zest for life and openness of the people will make your stay unforgettable, and you can forge new friendships for life. So why not combine a dream vacation with volunteering in Colombia?

Viva la Vida!

The cultural experience in Colombia is particularly intense. Locals are known for their zest for life, love of music, and enthusiasm for festivals and dancing. Celebrations and dancing often continue until the early morning hours. Everywhere you go, you hear the rhythms of Latin American music and watching salsa dancers will leave you amazed. It's a rhythm and way of life that lets you soak up and enjoy the colorful life. Colombians are also known for their warm hospitality and openness. During your volunteer work, you can not only get to know the local culture but actively participate in it. You can celebrate traditional festivals, try local dishes, and interact with locals to gain a deeper understanding of Colombian ways of life.

Land of a thousand rhythms

To truly celebrate the Colombian way of life, one thing is essential: music! Music and dance hold a particularly high value in this country, with countless rhythms and dances that have deep cultural roots blending Spanish, African, and pre-colonial influences. Along the Caribbean coast, where many Afro-Colombians reside, music styles are shaped by African rhythms such as Vallenato, Cumbia, and Champeta. Cali is known as the "World Capital of Salsa," where despite its non-Colombian origins, salsa is celebrated like nowhere else. If you've ever wanted to learn salsa dancing, Colombia is definitely the place to be. Whether in a dance class or at a salsa bar, you can immerse yourself in the authentic Colombian salsa and embrace the lifestyle fully.

Combine nature and city

Colombia is a land of contrasts that offers an impressive diversity of landscapes and ecosystems. Here, you don't have to choose between nature or city life; you can experience both in one place. In the beautiful "Pearl of the Caribbean," Cartagena, you can admire not only the colonial old town with its breathtaking buildings, colorful streets, and vibrant nightlife but also enjoy many beaches nearby. Similarly, the smaller city of Santa Marta is located directly on the Caribbean coast and is the perfect starting point to visit the stunning Tayrona National Park or head towards the mountains in the direction of Minca. In the metropolis of Barranquilla, you can enjoy the benefits of a lively city and have the Caribbean Sea right on your doorstep. During your free time after your volunteer project in Colombia, you also have the opportunity to explore the fascinating interior and embark on an exploration tour all the way to the Amazon rainforest. Colombia hides true natural treasures and diverse landscapes that will make your stay unforgettable.

Helping where help is needed

In Colombia, about 45 percent of children live in poverty. This is a shockingly high number that local organizations are working to address. Many children come from families who cannot afford education or who must work from a young age to support their families. These families often lack basic necessities, proper shelter, access to the internet, and have little hope for a better future. As a volunteer, you can directly contribute to improving living conditions in various communities. Whether you work in educational projects, environmental initiatives, or social programs, your efforts can have a positive impact on the lives of local people and contribute to sustainable community development. In Colombia, you can help where assistance is urgently needed and support local organizations with your work, receiving immense gratitude from the community and the children you help.


in the project

In the vibrant colonial city of Cartagena, you will live in a guesthouse or apartment alongside other volunteers and guests. At the guesthouse, you'll have a single room, yet experience a friendly atmosphere. The Colombian host is very warm, and meals are often enjoyed together. Additionally, you can opt to include meals at the guesthouse. To commute daily to your project, we recommend using popular taxi apps in Cartagena, which provide a safe means of transportation.

To fully immerse yourself in Colombian culture, we offer accommodation in a homestay in Barranquilla. You'll stay in a single room and share the common areas with the family. The homestay includes two meals per day as part of the package.


If you're an outdoor enthusiast who loves living amidst nature, then accommodation in the rainforest is perfect for you. Here, you'll stay at the project site with project staff and other volunteers in a dormitory-style room. Meals are prepared collectively by all residents. You'll spend your days immersed in nature, secluded from civilization.

Why is volunteering in Colombia worthwhile?

We at WanderWorld Travel have been exploring Colombia for many years and have a deep understanding of its social, political, and ecological situation. We are well aware of the challenges and passionately support small Colombian organizations and projects working towards a better future. There is a lack of care and educational opportunities for children and youth from poorer backgrounds, and urgent attention is needed to protect the environment to prevent devastating consequences of climate change and years of exploitation.

Of course, one person alone cannot save the world, but these projects pursue ecological and social goals over the years. Each volunteer effort contributes to the sustainability of the project, bringing us one step closer to the global goal.

As your travel agency, we support you with years of expertise in realizing your volunteer work in Colombia. For optimal trip preparation, we share all our travel tips with you and provide personal support throughout your journey. With over 6 years of experience collaborating with volunteers and NGOs, we are your perfect partner. You can confidently entrust the organization of your overseas stay to us.


Where should your ADVENTURE TAKE PLACE ?
Tierra Bomba island with a view of Cartagena
Tierra Bomba,
Tierra Bomba is a still very simple island off the coast of Colombia, known for its stunning beaches and clear waters. It is located near Cartagena and is a popular destination for tourists looking for sun, sand and a relaxed atmosphere.
Green mountains and blue sea in Taganga
Taganga is a small fishing village on the beautiful Caribbean coast of Colombia. The village has developed considerably in recent years and is now known as a paradise for relaxing and a fantastic place to learn to dive at a reasonable price. The village is located right next to one of Colombia's natural wonders and highlights - the Tayrona National Park.
Cartagena with colorful houses and flowers
Welcome to the pearl of the Caribbean! If you're looking for that Caribbean feeling in an exciting and culturally rich city, then Cartagena is the place for you. Listen to the sounds of street musicians and try delicious street food to fully experience the unique atmosphere.
Baranquilla City
Baranquilla, a city of vibrant rhythms and pulsating energy, where the sun always shines and the sea sings. Its people radiate warmth, its cuisine is delicious and its culture is vibrant and colorful. A true treasure of Colombia.
Jungle with sunset
Minca, a dreamy mountain village in Colombia, attracts visitors with its breathtaking natural scenery, lush coffee plantations and picturesque waterfalls. A retreat for nature lovers, hikers and adventurers, it also offers a relaxed atmosphere and authentic local cuisine.
Colorful houses and paintings in SantaMarta
Santa Marta,
Santa Marta, an enchanting coastal city in Colombia, delights with its Caribbean flair, historical sights and endless sandy beaches. A paradise for sun worshippers, water sports enthusiasts and culture lovers, it also offers a lively gastronomic scene and vibrant nightlife.



Man who laughs

In Cartagena, our contact person Jan is ready to assist you with advice and support. Originally from Germany, Jan has made this city his home for many years and runs his own café there. During the orientation session, he will gladly show you his beloved Cartagena and explain Colombian history and culture. You'll also receive insider tips on the coolest places and the best transportation options. Additionally, WanderWorld Travel is available in the same time zone via WhatsApp to answer your questions promptly.


Immerse yourself in the diversity of Colombia, from picturesque coastlines to lush green rainforests. Enjoy surfing adventures at dusk and discover the beauty and diverse leisure activities of this impressive country.


Work & Travel

Would you like to experience a new culture, gain experience and learn a language? Then a work & travel adventure is perfect for you to experience a country like a local.
Work&Travel Latin America

Language trip

Would you like to not only learn a language, but also experience a unique culture and go on an adventure? Then a language study trip to Latin America is just the thing for you!
Spanish language courses


Are you a nature and animal lover and longing to get your hands dirty in the bright sunshine? Then our Farm Experience program is the right place for you.

Work & Travel

Would you like to gain new experiences and go on adventures? Then Work & Travel is perfect for you!
Work&Travel Latin America

Language trip

Would you like to learn a language and experience a unique culture? Then take a language trip to Latin America!
Spanish language courses


Are you a nature lover and enjoy getting your hands dirty? Then the Farm Experience program is the right place for you.

Would you like to know how you can combine your projects with us?

Find out how it works here!







Sophia, founder of Wanderworld Travel

Lisa, Coordinator & Participant Support in Costa Rica

Amanda, Support and advice before departure


Here we can plan your volunteer work in Colombia together and talk about your ideas.

Register now for the WanderWorld consultation . We look forward to seeing you!

All without obligation and free of charge.


Your best time in the Caribbean

Colombia is the perfect destination if you're interested in Latin American culture, want to discover breathtaking landscapes, and fully enjoy life. Here, you can experience the vibrant, cheerful, and warm culture up close, immerse yourself in rhythmic music, delicious food, and stunning natural beauty. Colombia not only offers dreamy beaches and rainforests but also cool colonial cities, bustling metropolises, and serene mountain landscapes. The joy of life among Colombians is infectious and will make your work and travel experience unforgettable. Explore your options for work and travel in Colombia now – the land of warmth and great coffee is waiting for you!

By the way, if you'd rather participate in social projects in Colombia instead of Work and Travel, check out our programs for Volunteer Work in Colombia an.

Quick Facts

Our work and travel projects in Colombia

Hostel experience

Whether as a bartender, tour guide or at reception: when you work and travel in a Colombian hostel, you look after travelers from all over the world, improve your language skills and make friends for life.

At the hostel, you can work in various areas and get to know everyday life. For example, you can support reception, help with breakfast or take on bar shifts.

You will be in constant contact with other backpackers and can relax on the beach in your free time. In the evening, you can either be behind the bar yourself or explore Colombia's lively nightlife.

Would you like to discuss all your questions with us and find the right Work and Travel program for you?
Then take part in our wanderlust consultation now


What would it be like to live and work in a small fishing village right on Colombia's Caribbean coast? In our Sport Experience program, you can turn your dream into reality.

In our diving school, you will support the store, prepare the diving equipment and accompany dives. You will also become a diving professional yourself, as you will complete two PADI diving certificates during your time at the exchange school. You'll never get bored in the store. The international team is open and welcoming, just like the diving students, who come from all over the world. New friendships are quickly formed.

In your free time, you can explore the underwater paradise of Tayrona National Park on dives, go on excursions to the surrounding beaches and visit the city of Santa Marta, which is just a 10-minute drive away.

When working and traveling at the Diving school in Colombia you will experience a completely different world: the laid-back, Caribbean beach atmosphere is a 180-degree turnaround from the European hustle and bustle.

Perfect for relaxing for longer periods and switching off.


5 good reasons

5 good reasons why a stay abroad in Colombia is something very special:

The crystal clear water. Whether Cartagena, Taganga or Santa Marta: enjoy the beautiful Caribbean Sea and the long beaches. A stay abroad in Colombia means that you can soak up the sun every day, swim and dive, or simply relax on the beach. The reward is a healthy, tanned complexion and the South American serenity that you automatically adopt..


The Caribbean rhythms. Experience the real Colombian feeling while dancing to cumbia, vallenato and salsa. Would you like to party late into the night? Get to know new people in a relaxed way? Experience the full joy of life by giving yourself over to the rhythm? Then you should definitely travel to Colombia.


The warm Colombians. You will quickly get to know their friendly, open disposition during your stay abroad. They are quick to invite you to a party or joint activities. Colombia is still a little work and travel insider tip. The locals are not tired of tourists - in fact, they welcome you with open arms


You learn Spanish fluentlysh. With our language course and daily practice in everyday life, you will quickly improve your Spanish so that you will soon be able to communicate very well with the locals. This will open the door to even more intensive encounters with the Colombians!


You can live and travel there cheaply. If you compare a stay abroad in South America with Western Europe, you can get by in Colombia on significantly less money. If you are on a work and travel program, accommodation is already included. If you are not afraid to eat in local restaurants and use public transport, Colombia is an affordable option for a longer stay abroad!

Welcome to paradise! Whether in the colorful colonial city of Cartagena, the jungle of Minca, or the Caribbean towns of Santa Marta, Palomino, and Taganga, your new home in Colombia has a lot to offer. During the Hostel Experience, you'll not only work in hostel operations but also live in a dormitory with other volunteers and guests. Hostels provide a communal kitchen, and breakfast is often included for free (depending on the hostel). Cool communal areas like a pool, rooftop terrace, or hostel bar invite you to meet backpackers and hang out together. The hostels also offer exciting activities and tours for guests, which you can either help organize as a volunteer or join in your free time.

Life in a communal accommodation is characterized by a diverse mix of people from different nationalities, age groups, and lifestyles who temporarily live under one roof.

While working at the diving school in Taganga, you'll be living in a cool accommodation near the beautiful beach. The accommodation offers dormitory-style rooms with a shared kitchen, a nice courtyard, and a great rooftop terrace. Single rooms are available for an additional fee.

We support you in choosing your Work & Travel program and also help you on site with the Arrival to the respective location.

Why WanderWorld?

With WanderWorld Travel you have the best organization for a Work & Travel in Colombia at your side. We are ourselves passionate travelers and know our way around Colombia inside out. From our personal, years of travel experience we have developed optimal Work & Travel programs with which numerous participants have already had the time of their lives. We carefully and personally select our programs in Colombia to ensure that we are in good jobs and make the tasks fun. It is important to us that our participants experience the culture and the country in a authentic way get to know the locals, have contact with them and gain unforgettable experiences. To make this possible, we take care of the Smooth organization of your program, support you in all aspects of your travel preparations and help you on your journey. What sets us apart is our close-knit team, personal contact to our participants from other travel agencies. So that you can get the most out of your stay abroad Support we will provide you with intensive advice before your departure and will also be on hand to answer any questions you may have during your time in Colombia.


Where should your ADVENTURE TAKE PLACE?
Tierra Bomba island with a view of Cartagena
Tierra Bomba,
Tierra Bomba is a still very simple island off the coast of Colombia, known for its stunning beaches and clear waters. It is located near Cartagena and is a popular destination for tourists looking for sun, sand and a relaxed atmosphere.
Green mountains and blue sea in Taganga
Taganga is a small fishing village on the beautiful Caribbean coast of Colombia. The village has developed considerably in recent years and is now known as a paradise for relaxing and a fantastic place to learn to dive at a reasonable price. The village is located right next to one of Colombia's natural wonders and highlights - the Tayrona National Park.
Cartagena with colorful houses and flowers
Welcome to the pearl of the Caribbean! If you're looking for that Caribbean feeling in an exciting and culturally rich city, then Cartagena is the place for you. Listen to the sounds of street musicians and try delicious street food to fully experience the unique atmosphere.
Baranquilla City
Baranquilla, a city of vibrant rhythms and pulsating energy, where the sun always shines and the sea sings. Its people radiate warmth, its cuisine is delicious and its culture is vibrant and colorful. A true treasure of Colombia.
Jungle with sunset
Minca, a dreamy mountain village in Colombia, attracts visitors with its breathtaking natural scenery, lush coffee plantations and picturesque waterfalls. A retreat for nature lovers, hikers and adventurers, it also offers a relaxed atmosphere and authentic local cuisine.
Colorful houses and paintings in SantaMarta
Santa Marta,
Santa Marta, an enchanting coastal city in Colombia, delights with its Caribbean flair, historical sights and endless sandy beaches. A paradise for sun worshippers, water sports enthusiasts and culture lovers, it also offers a lively gastronomic scene and vibrant nightlife.

IN Colombia

Man who laughs

In Cartagena, our contact person Jan is ready to assist you with everything you need. He moved from Germany to this city and has made it his home for many years, where he runs his own café. During the orientation session, he will gladly show you his beloved Cartagena and explain Colombian history and culture. You'll also receive insider tips on the coolest places and best modes of transportation. Additionally, WanderWorld Travel is available in the same time zone via WhatsApp to promptly answer any questions you may have.


Immerse yourself in the diversity of Colombia, from picturesque coastlines to lush green rainforests. Enjoy surfing adventures at dusk and discover the beauty and diverse leisure activities of this impressive country.





Would you like to experience a new culture and do something good at the same time? Then volunteering is just the right thing for you to experience a country like a local.

Language trip

Would you like to not only learn a language, but also experience a unique culture and go on an adventure? Then a language study trip to Latin America is just the thing for you!
Spanish language courses


Are you a nature and animal lover and longing to get your hands dirty in the bright sunshine? Then our Farm Experience program is the right place for you.


Are you a nature and animal lover and longing to get your hands dirty in the bright sunshine? Then our Farm Experience program is the right place for you.


Would you like to experience culture and do something good? Then volunteering is just the thing for you.

Language trip

Would you like to learn a language and experience a unique culture? Then take a language trip to Latin America!
Spanish language courses


Are you a nature lover and like to get your hands dirty? Then our farm is the right place for you.


Are you a nature and animal lover and longing to get your hands dirty in the bright sunshine? Then our Farm Experience program is the right place for you.

Would you like to know how you can combine your projects with us?

Find out how it works here!


About Work and Travel in Colombia





WanderWorld employee Sophia Fink smiles

Founder of Wanderworld Travel

Lisa Stettner on the beach WanderWorld employee smiles

Coordinator & participant support in Costa Rica

Woman with wanderworldtravel shirt in front of a meadow

Support and advice before departure


Here we can plan your volunteer work in Colombia together and talk about your ideas.

Register now for the WanderWorld consultation . We look forward to seeing you!

All without obligation and free of charge.

dreamland colombia

Fascinating colonial cities, an exuberant atmosphere on endless Caribbean beaches, endless rainforest and endless coffee plantations - you'll find all this and much more in Colombia. Visit the up-and-coming metropolis of Latin America and experience a real big city feeling. Be enchanted by the hospitality and hospitality of the Colombians and swing your hips to the fiery rhythms of salsa. Colombia is still a real insider tip, so pack your bags quickly and set off. We guarantee you'll have the time of your life.



The capital of Colombia is located in the interior of the country in the middle of the Andes. With 8 million inhabitants, it is both the country's largest city and its economic center. Bogotá is flashy, urban and multicultural. Modern skyscrapers rise into the sky and old buildings with red tiled roofs are reminiscent of the colonial past. The many parks and trees that can be found throughout the city form small oases in the hustle and bustle of the big city.

The old town of La Candelaria is the most popular district for travelers, which is why you will find many cool hostels here. The government palace and the famous Plaza Bolivar, named after the independence fighter and national hero, are located here. The buildings in this district date back to colonial or republican times and are still well preserved today.

Every Sunday, the "Ciclovia" takes place, a kind of small folk festival that draws people out of their homes. The streets are closed to traffic in the morning to make way for flea markets, street artists and longboarders.

You should definitely visit the Usaquén district, which gives you the feeling of being immersed in a small village in the middle of the city. Stroll through the narrow streets, admire the handicrafts of the locals and take a break in one of the countless restaurants and cafés.

Bogotá's most iconic market, the Plaza de Paloquemao, is located in an abandoned railroad warehouse. The many exotic fruits and vegetables for sale here attract fruit and vegetable lovers from all over the world.

Don't miss out on taking part in a graffiti tour. Graffiti art has a special significance in Colombia and especially in Bogotá and has had a strong influence on the city's culture in recent years. Numerous artists express their ideas and feelings about the social, political and economic situation in Colombia.

The highlight of your visit to Bogotá is the climb to the city's most famous viewpoint, the local mountain Montserrate. From here, you have a fantastic view over the megacity and the surrounding hills. If you find the 500-metre climb too strenuous, you can simply take the cable car to the top. The view is particularly beautiful at sunset, when the sea of houses begins to shimmer in the evening light.


From and to Bogotá

  • Bogotá is served by many German airports. From there you can get to all parts of the country.
  • You can fly from Bogotá to Cartagena in just 1.5 hours.
  • You can reach the city of Medellín in 1 hour by plane. Ticket prices vary between 50 - 100 euros. Alternatively, there are night buses, which take around 12 hours and cost around 30 euros.
  • From the airport in the Colombian capital, you can reach almost all countries in South and Central America without a stopover.


Even the name Medellín sounds mysterious and enticing. The former stronghold of Pablo Escobar has developed into a hip metropolis whose future has only just begun. The city has reinvented itself and left its bloody past behind. While it was called the most dangerous city in the world in the 1960s, Wall Street magazine recently named it the most innovative metropolis in South America. It no longer appears on the list of the world's most dangerous cities. The traces of this devastating time can be explored in the Casa de la Memoria museum. Today, only the graffiti on the walls of Comuna 13 are a reminder of the time and tell of the liberation of the district. In addition to the many colorful houses, there is also the longest escalator in the world, which runs through the middle of the district. The ride is free and definitely worth it. Or you can take a ride on the cable car and see the metropolis from above.

The gastronomy scene has also experienced a lively upswing. The El Poblado district is known for its numerous stylish restaurants, hip bars and lively nightlife. The club scene in the Parque Lleras district can easily keep up with that of a major European city. Renowned DJs from all over the world play here at the weekends.

In Medellín's surroundings you will find fabulous places that are well worth a visit. Guatapé, 1.5 hours away, is one of the ten most picturesque villages in the world. Curious, colorful ornaments adorn the facades of the houses here. There are cute cafés and great restaurants on every corner. The village is located on the artificial Guatapé-Peñol reservoir, where you can marvel at the many small islands on a boat tour. The abandoned villas of Pablo Escobar and his henchmen are located here, and the trip will take you back in time.

If you want to enjoy a fantastic panoramic view of the surrounding area, you can climb a long staircase to the top of the huge granite rock Peñol. Watching the magical sunset from there is a moment you won't soon forget.

Medellín has an international airport and can therefore be reached by plane from all over Latin America and also from some European cities. The city is 400 km from Bogotá, which can be covered either by plane or bus. As flights within Colombia are very cheap, you can easily fly on to Cartagena or Santa Marta from here. The coffee region can also be reached after an approximately 8-hour bus ride. This makes Medellín a central point and leaves you with many options as to where to continue your adventure afterwards.

From and to Medellín

  • You can reach the city of Medellín from Bogotá in 1 hour by plane. Ticket prices vary between 50 and 100 euros. Alternatively, there are night buses, which take around 12 hours and cost around 30 euros.
  • You can be in Cartagena in 3 hours by plane, the cost is between 80 and 130 euros.
  • You can get further into the city of Cali by bus in 9 hours for around 8 to 25 euros. By plane, you only need 2.5 hours for a ticket price of 80 to 120 euros.
  • You can get from Medellín to Guatapé by bus in 1.5 hours for just a few euros.
  • You can reach Salento by bus in 7 hours. The journey costs between 10 and 20 euros.


Welcome to the pearl of the Caribbean! Cartagena absolutely deserves this name, as the city is one of the most beautiful in all of South America and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site for good reason. As you walk through the narrow streets, past numerous cigar bars and watch the hustle and bustle in the streets, you could be forgiven for thinking you were in Cuba. You can spend days strolling through the narrow streets, admiring the colorful houses with their ornate wooden balconies or watching dance groups without getting bored. The houses, decorated with loving details, will keep you discovering new things. Listen to the sounds of street musicians and try delicious street food to fully enjoy the Caribbean atmosphere. The old town is surrounded by the 13 km long Las Murallas city wall, which once protected the city from pirate attacks.

However, Cartagena consists not only of the charming old town, but also of a modern center from which skyscrapers shoot upwards. You have a perfect view of both parts of the city from the Castillo San Felipe de Barajas, a fortress that is considered a prime example of 16th-18th century military architecture.

Of course, the Caribbean city also has its own city beach. However, it is much nicer to go to one of the nearby islands and enjoy the endless white beaches.

If you are looking for that Caribbean feeling in an exciting and culturally rich city, then Cartagena is the place for you. You will quickly fall in love with this small town and feel right at home. Whether you want to stay in a hostel or prefer to work in a volunteer project, this beautiful place has something for everyone. And after work or at the weekend, Cartagena is the perfect starting point for relaxing on the endless Caribbean beach with crystal-clear water or other activities. Perfect for your adventure.

From and to Cartagena

  • You can reach Cartagena by plane from Medellín or Bogotá in just a few hours.
  • You can get to the famous Tayrona National Park with a stopover in Santa Marta. The journey takes around 4 hours by bus and will cost you between 4 and 10 euros.
  • For a weekend trip, you can go to the Baru peninsula. You can be there in about 40 minutes by cab and pay around 40 euros.
  • You can get to Tierra Bomba Island daily by boat for around 5 euros. The ferry ride takes just 10 minutes.


If you continue east along the coast from Cartagena, you will reach the small town of Santa Marta after just a few hours. In contrast to the hustle and bustle of Cartagena, Santa Marta is very quiet and enchants with its very own colonial charm. It was the first Spanish city on the American continent to be founded by the colonial rulers and the cathedral here is one of the oldest in Latin America. From the city, you have a great view of the snow-capped mountain peaks of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, an imposing coastal mountain range that rises up to 5,775 meters, just 50 kilometers away.

If you decide against the big city of Cartagena on the Caribbean coast, but are still looking for summer, sun, beach and sea, Santa Marta is the perfect place for you. The beauty of this place is that you are right between the Caribbean, the jungle and the mountains. A unique combination that you don't often find in the world and which offers you numerous options for leisure activities.

One hour from Santa Marta is one of the most beautiful places in Colombia. The Tayrona National Park is hard to beat in terms of fascination and uniqueness. Untouched nature, turquoise water and magical beaches beckon. You can reach the dream beaches after an adventurous walk through the jungle. Parrots, sloths, monkeys and coatis live here, which you can observe in the wild if you are lucky. After two hours, you will reach the dream beach of La Piscina and Cabo San Juan. Behind the beautiful bays you can see both the deep green rainforest and the snow-capped mountains of the Sierra. A breathtaking and unique sight. In the bays you can snorkel with turtles or simply relax.

If you don't want to leave paradise after just one day, you can set up camp in the park. If you want to enjoy the peace and solitude, you can look for a secluded spot, otherwise you will also find other adventurers to join you there. In the relaxed atmosphere and among so many like-minded people from all over the world, you almost feel like you're at a festival.

Another highlight of the region is a multi-day hike to Ciudad Perdida, which means lost city. This mystical place is often referred to as the Colombian Machu Picchu, as it is just as fascinating and unique as the wonder of the world in Peru. All kinds of secrets lie dormant here, as the city was not entered by humans for 400 years. In 1975, it was discovered by grave robbers who began to plunder it until the government sent an archaeological expedition a short time later to save what could still be saved. The ruins are slowly waking up from their slumber and a few tourists are making their way through the jungle to visit this magical place. You should definitely take a tour there with a guide. The journey takes four to six days, but it is well worth the effort. You'll feel like Indiana Jones as you walk through the spectacular landscape and pass many small indigenous villages along the way.

From and to Santa Marta

  • You can reach Santa Marta from Medellín and Bogotá within 3 hours by plane.
  • You can take a bus from Cartagena to Santa Marta and pay between 5 and 10 euros for the 4-hour journey.
  • It only takes 40 minutes to get from Santa Marta to Tayrona National Park. The bus ride costs a few euros.
  • From Santa Marta to Minca you only need an hour by bus and only pay 2 euros.
  • You can get to Palomino in just 1 hour by bus for around 2 euros.


The Colombian coffee region "Eje Cafetero" is located in the center of the country, approx. 200 km west of Bogota. The location offers optimal conditions for successful coffee cultivation: a temperate climate with plenty of sunshine at an altitude of 1,000 to 2,000 meters, fertile volcanic soil and sufficient rainfall. This is why one of the best highland coffees in the world can thrive here. The perfect place for all coffee lovers, because here everything revolves around the fine drop.

You can explore the region from various locations. You will usually arrive in the capital of the Armenia region, which you can reach by plane or bus. When walking through the city, it is obligatory to stop at various cafés and try a "tinto" (black coffee) or "pintadito" (coffee with a dash of milk).

This region is also home to the small mountain village of Salento, whose colorful and cheerful architecture will put you in a good mood. Salento is the starting point for the Los Nevados National Park through the Valle del Cocora - a valley where you will find impressive forests of quindio wax palms. This palm species is so unique because, at 60 meters, it is the tallest palm species in the world and the only one of its kind that grows in cold climates. It has also been named the national tree of Colombia. You can ride through the valley or explore it on an extensive hike. Be sure to pay a visit to the Casa de Colibri. Here you can see the smallest bird in the world up close.

From and to Armenia

  • You can get from Armenia to Salento by bus in just one hour. The journey only costs a few euros.
  • You can reach Armenia by plane from Cartagena in about 4 hours for around 100 euros.
  • From Medellín to Armenia you only need an hour by plane and the ticket also costs between 60 and 100 euros.
  • From Bogotá you can reach Armenia by bus in about 8 hours for around 15 - 20 euros.


Located near the municipality of La Macarena in inland Colombia, the Caño Cristales is also known as the "most beautiful river in the world" or the "river of 5 colors" (yellow, blue, green, red and black). The water is so clear and transparent that you can see various aquatic plants, sand and impressive rock formations.

The river is not very wide, at its widest point it does not reach 20 meters, and is no more than 100 kilometers long. This is where its name "Caño" (water jet) comes from.

This extraordinary natural wonder can only be visited for six months of the year - from the beginning of June to the end of November. During the remaining months, access to the river is not granted. But it wouldn't be worth it either, as the plants that create the fascinating colors are in the process of reproducing.

You will find many accommodation options in La Macarena, which is the starting point of your Caño adventure. From here, you have to cross the Guayabero River in a small boat (around 20 minutes). You will then find suitable vehicles to drive along the gravel path. The journey takes about 25 minutes until the navigable path comes to an end and you have to walk the rest of the way. This one-hour hike through the impressive surrounding landscapes is such a wonderful experience that it is worth the trip.

From and to La Macarena

  • You can reach La Macarena from Bogotá by night bus in around 12 hours and the journey costs around 20 euros.
  • You can get from Medellín to La Macarena by bus via the town of "Neiva" in about 10 hours, for about 20 euros.


In the middle of the Caribbean, roughly at the same level as Nicaragua, the volcanic rock of Providencia rises out of the ocean. The paradisiacal island is the second largest in the Colombian archipelago and is home to around 5000 inhabitants. Compared to its larger sister island San Andrés, Providencia is still an insider tip and impresses with its original, peaceful idyll. If you are looking for absolute relaxation, friendly people and a breathtaking natural backdrop, this is the place for you.

Divers and snorkeling fans in particular get their money's worth here. In the crystal-clear water, between the gentle whitecaps of the ocean, you can admire unique coral reefs, turtles, rays and iridescent fish.

To explore Providencia, you can go on jungle hikes through the lush forest, circle the island on a kayak tour or even take a horseback ride through the paradisiacal scenery. Gallop across the white beach on horseback or trot through the dense rainforest. For less animal-loving travelers, there are also bikes to rent to go on a discovery tour.

A colorfully painted wooden bridge, also known as the "bridge of lovers", leads from the main town of Santa Isabel to Santa Catalina, a small island in the northwest of Providencia. There you will find many more dream beaches, bars and untouched nature.

The view from the top of the island's hill is an unforgettable experience. After a short climb, you reach the highest point of Providencia, where you can enjoy an incomparable view. The white sandy beaches can be seen behind the undulating green of the forests and the endless, crystal-clear sea stretches out behind them. A spectacular panorama that you will certainly never forget!

From and to Providencia

  • Providencia can only be reached from the Colombian mainland by plane via a stopover in San Andrés. From there, the airline Satena flies to Providencia several times a day.
  • Alternatively, a catamaran sails to the dream island three times a week at a cost of several hundred euros.


We offer a wide range of exciting projects in Colombia. Whether a Work & Travel Program or Volunteer projectThere are countless ways to make your stay in Colombia unforgettable. We have programs in different areas to get involved in the country and give something back.


Open, warm, courteous - the Colombians immediately take you to their hearts and do the same the other way round. People are happy to welcome people from all over the world and are happy to invite you for a coffee, true to the motto: Mi casa es tu casa (My house is your house). Colombians are very proud of their country and rightly so. Because Colombia has an incredible amount to offer and discover.
The diverse traditions of the people are reflected in the many festivals and the carnival. There is always an occasion to celebrate for Colombians. They love to express their emotions in salsa and cumbia, preferably until the early hours of the morning - the perfect place to try out your own dancing skills.
The roots of Colombians can be found in arts and crafts, archaeological sites, painting and sculptures by famous artists.
The country is on the upswing and you can feel it on every corner. Colombia has gone through dark times, and the era when the narcos ruled the country was not so long ago. People enjoy the freedom and good vibes - a feeling that will sweep you away.
The national language in Colombia is Spanish, but with a very special accent that you will soon love. Because when Colombians talk, you can hear the melodic undertones that permeate the whole culture - an absolute delight.


Colombian cuisine is varied and incredibly delicious.

Just as Peruvians and Chileans argue over the origin of pisco sour, there is rivalry between Colombia and Venezuela over the tasty arepas (saltless corn pancakes eaten instead of bread). These are an integral part of every breakfast or other meal. Depending on the region or taste, the arepas are filled with minced meat, cheese or egg.

Another typical dish for breakfast or as a snack between meals is the so-called tamales, a banana leaf filled with rice, vegetables and pork.

You can get freshly caught fish in the coastal towns, whereas the inland towns tend to focus on meat dishes.

But vegetarians will also be happy in Colombia. Especially in places where there are many backpackers, there are excellent vegetarian restaurants of a high standard. But even in more remote areas, restaurants are increasingly catering to vegetarians and you can get delicious food everywhere.

Other typical Colombian specialties include ajiaco, a creamy chicken soup with various types of potatoes and corn on the cob, usually garnished with cream and capers, and bandeja paisa, a meat dish with manioc, pollo asado, charcoal-grilled chicken, which is often served with chips and salad. As in most Latin American countries, grilling meat over an open fire is very popular and widespread, as is sancocho, "hangover breakfast" in Colombian, a soup with chicken, plantains, cassava, coriander, onions, potatoes and corn.

Under no circumstances should you miss out on tasting the world-famous Colombian coffee. Colombia is one of the largest coffee producers and the largest producer of Arabica coffee in the world. An absolute treat for all coffee lovers.

Due to the country's tropical location, there is no shortage of delicious tropical fruits. In addition to the classics, you should also try fruits that are generally unknown to Europeans - you will acquire a taste for exotic varieties such as Andean berries, tree tomatoes, guava, mamoncillo, granadilla, lulo, pitahaya or borojó.


Best time to travel

Colombia is suitable for travel all year round. Although there is a dry and rainy season here, the climate varies from region to region.

The Caribbean resorts are best visited from December to April. The remaining months are the rainy season. The heaviest rain showers occur in October. But don't shy away from the rainy season. Colombia has a tropical climate, which means that it can rain heavily for 1 - 2 hours a day, but the entire day is not a washout, because afterwards it is bright sunshine again. In the Amazon region, for example, the climate is tropical all year round and the rainforest flourishes even more during the rainy season. In the city of Medellín, they call it "eternal spring" because the city is pleasantly warm all year round.

When planning your trip, you should therefore pay less attention to the dry or rainy season, but rather make it dependent on what your plans are and which areas you want to travel to.

means of transportation

In Colombia, you can travel comfortably by plane or intercity bus. All tourist destinations are well connected.

In addition to the major airlines, there is a local low-cost airline - Viva Colombia - which also connects smaller towns and cities at reasonable fares.

For longer distances, you can take a night bus. This is easily possible on the main routes. However, to see some of the beautiful landscapes, it is advisable to travel during the day.

In cities, you can get around by cab, Uber or Collectivo.


You can take part in all of our programs in Colombia with a tourist visa. The maximum length of stay with the tourist visa is initially 90 days. You can extend the visa by a further 90 days on site. The migration authorities determine the length of stay by stamping your passport at the border crossing points or at international airports. You should therefore make sure at immigration control that you are given the appropriate number of days to cover your period of stay. You can apply to extend your visa by a further 90 days at the "Migración Colombia" (subject to a fee). You will find a migration authority in all major cities. As a rule, a one-off extension for a further 90 days is granted, but there is no entitlement to this.

Travel expenses

The national currency in Colombia is the Colombian peso. 1 euro is equivalent to 4,000 COP.

A flight from the major German cities to Bogotá or Medellín costs 600 - 900 euros. Of course, this depends on the time of travel. Domestic flights are available from as little as 20 euros. The Colombian low-cost airline Viva Colombia, Avianca or LATAM are the best options here.

You can eat and drink cheaply in Colombia. A local lunch menu usually costs between 2 and 4 euros. If you prefer international cuisine, you should expect to pay between 4.50 and 7 euros per meal.

Bus and cab travel is very cheap. You generally pay no more than 4 euros for a cab ride within the city, depending on the distance traveled, of course. A trip on the metro in Medellín costs around 0.50 euros. The conventional bus is even cheaper.

History and culture

The history of Colombia is probably one of the most interesting. The oldest traces of Colombia's colonization history that have been found to date date back as far as 20,000 years. Around the year 600 AD, the advanced civilization of the Chibcha, also known as the Muisca, developed, who had special skills as craftsmen, weavers or, for example, dyers of cotton. They built magnificent temples and, for example, one of the largest pre-Columbian cities in America, the "Ciudad Perdida". However, this people was wiped out with the Spanish colonization. The Africans brought into the country in the early 17th century also contributed to the identity of the Colombians. They were brought to South America as slaves, for example to support coffee cultivation or gold production. However, the former slaves remained in the country, which was later reflected in Colombia's culture and population structure. When the Spanish colonized the country, they founded the cities of Santa Marta, Cartagena de Indias and Santa Fe de Bogotá. The Colombians fought for their independence from Spain for a total of 9 years and finally achieved it in 1819.

In 1957, the Conservatives and Liberals concluded an agreement with the "National Front", which stipulated that the parties would change governments every four years. However, left-wing groups in particular felt disadvantaged and guerrilla groups were formed at the same time to fight against politics. As a result, paramilitary groups increasingly formed at the end of the 1970s. This led to a rise in Crime and human rights violations in the country increased dramatically. In the following years, more and more guerrilla groups, such as the FARC and the M-19, were founded. However, this was not the country's only enemy: from the 1970s onwards, the Cali and Medellín cartels were also involved in the ever-growing drug trade. The drug barons and the leaders of the guerrilla groups repeatedly tried to make deals with the government. It is still not clear whether some of them have worked out. The death of Pablo Escobar and the arrest of the drug lords of the Cali cartel in 1993 was a relief for the country. However, it was not until 2016 that peace was reached with the largest guerrilla group, FARC. This offered the long-awaited opportunity for Colombia to develop without terrorizing forces. Colombians appreciate this peace and quiet and now want nothing more than to keep it forever.


Our employee Carlota did not miss the opportunity to travel to a flourishing, young country. Many places and events have remained in her memory and still bring a smile to her lips today. To make sure you have an equally great time in Colombia, she has summarized her personal highlights for you.

  1. Cartagena is definitely my favorite place in Colombia. There is always something going on here, the colorful streets put you in a good mood and there is no shortage of restaurants. In the evening, street artists and food trucks gather in a small square in the middle of the old town, so you can always discover something new.
  2. On the island of Tierra Bomba, I visited our Youth Development Project and was welcomed with open arms by the children there. I was incredibly touched by their friendliness and interest in me, along with the Caribbean environment. I was able to take part in a workshop with them and it made me so happy to see how little the children get by with here and how much they enjoy little things.
  3. From Santa Marta, I took a trip to Minca away from the beaches and into the mountains. There I was able to relax on a huge hammock, visit cocoa and coffee plantations and hike to one of the many mountain peaks at sunset. To cool off, you can jump into one of the clear waterfalls and rivers, all hidden in the tropical jungle. There really was something magical about this place and I hope to come back here one day.
  4. My final highlight is the Colombians I have rarely met such friendly people. Loud music is playing at all times of the day, young and old are chatting and you can always see someone dancing somewhere. The people are optimistic and open-minded and, above all, proud of their country, which has had to go through a lot but has never given up.


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